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bringing energy and vitality back to your life

With the 30-Day Whole Body Detox

Hey! I’m Sarah. Nice to meet you.

My focus is on helping people bring their body back into balance and create lasting change.

Don’t worry, I won’t be putting you on yet ANOTHER diet!

Instead, I’ll help you feel the way you deserve without starving yourself or counting every calorie and best of all you can still enjoy delicious food!


Here’s what some of my beautiful clients have to say…


In the first 30 days, Natalia dropped 6.6kgs and 17.1cms around her body. This is how she felt…“The first thing I noticed was that my overall energy levels went up. I really felt that my body was being cleansed. Within 30 days I could see results that I had been dreaming of for years.”


“Before the program I was feeling very tired all the time and my weight was not shifting despite all the healthy eating. I decided to try the 30 day cleanse. The results were incredible. I suddenly had ENERGY and ENDURANCE to get through my day! My skin was glowing and I was feeling amazing!

After the cleanse I felt a lot lighter and so good! I talked about the benefits I experienced to all my friends and anyone willing to listen!

The 30 day challenge resulted in a shift in my weight…it was those last few kilos that I was trying so hard to get rid of that I finally lost. I was ecstatic!”


At 77 years of age, Nancy described herself as having generally good health but did notice that she would get tired more frequently and was not sleeping well among other things. She had quite bad arthritis in her hands and was having trouble folding her hand over and making a fist and was finding it increasingly more difficult to write.

She says she never believed or dreamed the benefits that would come. After a month on the program she was able to move her fingers and thumbs and it’s continued! She has also reduced her intake of Panadol Osteo from 6 to just 2 per day.

MARIO LAUS, Melbourne

After 6 months of feeling like his health was out of control, Mario decided he had to take action and make change. Once introduced to the program, he jumped straight on board and hasn’t looked back.

In just 20 days he lost 7kgs, regained his energy, his gut issues resolved and he now sleeps better than ever. 


After a year overseas I hit 96 kilos, was feeling fat, unhealthy and unfit. I tried a number of diets but always felt hungry. The gym wasn’t happening as I didn’t have the motivation. I caught up with a friend in Kuala Lumpur in November and noticed he’d lost a lot of weight. So i was interested. He referred me to Sarah.  I decided to give her program a go. After just 10 days I was down 5 kilos.  At day 30 I am now 86.8 kilos. I was working on an Oil rig for 20 days of my plan and got plenty exercise through my job so been active defiantly speeds it up.  My target is 80 kilos. I will start another 30 day weight loss plan with in a week. Sarah’s coaching and daily  messages were brilliant motivation especially on Cleanse days which can be hard and didn’t think I could do.  I would highly recommend Sarah as your coach. The shakes taste amazing with just ice and water. After 12 hours working in the heat at the end of shift I could feel my whole body reenergising as I was drinking my shake. Looking forward to getting 80kilos and staying there this time for good.


When I started this journey I weighed in 107kgs. I had tried a few different ways to lose weight but nothing had really worked for me. All my life I had suffered from gut issues and I had fallen into a major depression. I thought why not give this a go.

After just one month of being on the program my mental health got better and I was looking at life in a different way, my gut issues stopped and I was no longer getting bloated. Over all my success has been a 19 kilo weight loss and 61cm over my whole body.

I am now loving life and have so much to look forward to, this is the best lifestyle change I have ever made and will stay on this forever.


“It helped my health in ways I never thought it would… I don’t feel like an old woman getting out of bed anymore. My body doesn’t ache (I’m only 43). I used to feel bunged up in the morning and that’s stopped too.

Psychologically I feel a lot more positive and my anxiety levels have dropped immensely. Physically I feel more energetic and sleep more soundly. I no longer suffer lower back discomfort and everyone is always commenting on how good my skin looks. ”


“When Sarah introduced me to the products it was a no brainer. Sarah is a great ambassador for clean healthy living, so after she explained the program and what it can offer, I knew straight away that I wanted to be involved. I joined up for the 30 day challenge. When I went home and told my wife, she was “what have you done”.

After I arranged a meeting with Sarah (who is a terrific communicator) my wife decided to jump on board and give it a go. Having my wife involved and then Sarah coaching us really make all the difference. At the end of the 30 days, we both lost 8kgs and felt awesome in terms of energy and overall health.

I recommend to anyone having Sarah coach you through this program.”


“The 30 day program went really fast and was easy to follow thanks to Sarah’s expert coaching. The regular messages from Sarah help you keep inspired, focused and motivated, and she is always ready to offer support for any questions.

Whilst I enjoyed losing 4 kgs and over an inch around my waist during the program, I really enjoyed increased energy and an overall feeling of well being.

I cannot recommend Sarah’s coaching and her program highly enough”

JEN ELLIOTT, Kuala Lumpur

Eighteen months after the birth of my third child (at 42), I was not able to shift my weight, especially around my stomach area. I decided to do the 30 cleanse with a girlfriend and my partner, and we all did great!

The concept of drinking meal replacement shakes twice a day for four weeks felt daunting but I was amazed at how soon I got used to the shakes. As soon as the weight started dropping, my motivation got only stronger. My will power over the 30 day cleanse was transformed and I love my new eating habits.

I feel back to the old me and have a new zest for life. I lost 3kg and love the shakes so much I am continuing with them. I cannot thank Sarah enough for her amazing coaching, support, motivating messages and efficiency in all areas of the business.  The whole experience has been nothing short of fantastic..”


The result of the 30 day cleanse was incredible! I cannot thank Sarah enough for her support and motivation.

I wanted to lose those last stubborn kilos and I did! Along with losing weight my skin has improved, my energy level increased and I felt great! People started noticing the difference and asking questions so I knew her program had helped me to achieve what I wanted!

I absolutely love the products and will take them forever!! Natasha Rakhlin (39 years old)

MICHA YOUNG, Melbourne

“The most incredible thing is that after 4 days of using the products, my stomach issues just went away. No more pains, no more trips to the toilet and on top of that in the first 30 days I lost 1.5kgs but gained all this muscle. I had heaps more energy and I found that I had really restful sleep”

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